11 research outputs found

    Developmental endothelial locus-1 modulates platelet-monocyte interactions and instant blood-mediated inflammatory reaction in islet transplantation.

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    Platelet-monocyte interactions are strongly implicated in thrombo-inflammatory injury by actively contributing to intravascular inflammation, leukocyte recruitment to inflamed sites, and the amplification of the procoagulant response. Instant blood-mediated inflammatory reaction (IBMIR) represents thrombo-inflammatory injury elicited upon pancreatic islet transplantation (islet-Tx), thereby dramatically affecting transplant survival and function. Developmental endothelial locus-1 (Del-1) is a functionally versatile endothelial cell-derived homeostatic factor with anti-inflammatory properties, but its potential role in IBMIR has not been previously addressed. Here, we establish Del-1 as a novel inhibitor of IBMIR using a whole blood islet model and a syngeneic murine transplantation model. Indeed, Del-1 pretreatment of blood before addition of islets diminished coagulation activation and islet damage as assessed by C-peptide release. Consistently, intraportal islet-Tx in transgenic mice with endothelial cell-specific overexpression of Del-1 resulted in a marked decrease of monocytes and platelet-monocyte aggregates in the transplanted tissues, relative to those in wild-type recipients. Mechanistically, Del-1 decreased platelet-monocyte aggregate formation, by specifically blocking the interaction between monocyte Mac-1-integrin and platelet GPIb. Our findings reveal a hitherto unknown role of Del-1 in the regulation of platelet-monocyte interplay and the subsequent heterotypic aggregate formation in the context of IBMIR. Therefore, Del-1 may represent a novel approach to prevent or mitigate the adverse reactions mediated through thrombo-inflammatory pathways in islet-Tx and perhaps other inflammatory disorders involving platelet-leukocyte aggregate formation

    Endothelial-specific deficiency of Junctional Adhesion Molecule-C promotes vessel normalisation in proliferative retinopathy

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    In proliferative retinopathies, like proliferative diabetic retinopathy and retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), the hypoxia response is sustained by the failure of the retina to revascularise its ischaemic areas. Non-resolving retina ischaemia/hypoxia results in upregulation of pro-angiogenic factors and pathologic neovascularisation with ectopic, fragile neovessels. Promoting revascularisation of the retinal avascular area could interfere with this vicious cycle and lead to vessel normalisation. Here, we examined the function of endothelial junctional adhesion molecule-C (JAM-C) in the context of ROP. Endothelial-specific JAM-C-deficient (EC-JAM-C KO) mice and littermate JAM-C-proficient (EC-JAM-C WT) mice were subjected to the ROP model. An increase in total retinal vascularisation was found at p17 owing to endothelial JAM-C deficiency, which was the result of enhanced revascularisation and vessel normalisation, thereby leading to significantly reduced avascular area in EC-JAM-C KO mice. In contrast, pathologic neovessel formation was not affected by endothelial JAM-C deficiency. Consistent with improved vessel normalisation, tip cell formation at the interface between vascular and avascular area was higher in EC-JAM-C KO mice, as compared to their littermate controls. Consistently, JAM-C inactivation in endothelial cells resulted in increased spreading on fibronectin and enhanced sprouting in vitro in a manner dependent on β1-integrin and on the activation of the small GTPase RAP1. Together, endothelial deletion of JAM-C promoted endothelial cell sprouting, and consequently vessel normalisation and revascularisation of the hypoxic retina without altering pathologic neovascularisation. Thus, targeting endothelial JAM-C may provide a novel therapeutic strategy for promoting revascularisation and vessel normalisation in the treatment of proliferative retinopathies